Júlia Nueno Guitart is a researcher and computational designer. Her work explores the intersection of digital infrastructures and resistant, emerging, and disappearing communities. She is currently a Forensic Architecture PhD fellow at Centre for Research Architecture (Goldsmiths, UK)


Energy Communities ︎︎︎

Azimut360 2021Project lead in the design & installation of the first collective self-consumption communities in Spain.

Shared Consumption ︎︎︎

Azimut360 2020Project lead in the design & installation of 11 PV plants in public buildings to promote a  decentralised energy generation model.

Stand-alone Container ︎︎︎

Azimut360 2020
Project co-lead, an original idea developed by Azimut360, to achieve a portable and renewable solution to back energy needs of clinical laboratories in The Gambia and Angola. 

Design & Pedagogy ︎︎︎

Azimut360 + Medical Research Council (The Gambia) 2019Project co-lead in the design, procurement, coordination construction, training and commissioning of a 500kWp solar installation in The Gambia entirely installed by women.  

Solar microgrids ︎︎︎

Earth Spark International (Haiti)
Winner of Latin America Green Award 2018
Project assistant in the launch of a solar micro-grid with storage and diesel backup of 100 kW in the town of Les Anglais, and design and coordination of the construction works for a second micro-grid of similar characteristics in the town of Tiburon.  


‘Waiting to happen’︎︎︎ (London, 2023). Documentary. Associate Producer in documentary on the findings of Airwars and VICENews year-long visual investigation into the failures in a US-backed prison in Syria.

Qualsevol Lloc / Anyplace  ︎︎︎

Centre d’Arts Santa Monica (Barcelona, 2022).Video installation on the work processes that sustain the mechanisms of reproduction of places and objects resulting from the encounter between mass tourism and digital economies. Collaboration with Noha Mokhtar and Xavier Nueno. Commissioned by Gema Darbo
Watch Mix Fruit (23 min. Colour. Sound)

Landlord Open-House ︎︎︎

Model Architecture Festival (Barcelona, 2022). Augmented Reality installation exploring the domestic expressions of the Barcelona’s real-state property structure.
Collaboration with Farzin Lotfi-Jam

Video of AR experience (only for smartphone)

St. James Hatcham Gallery (London, 2022). MA Exhibition. Video-installation on the role of data and embodied knowledge in delivery work.

Sindicat ︎︎︎ 

Raindance Film Festival in Curzon Cinema (London, 2021). Field Producer in Sindicat, TheGuardian (2021) documentary directed by Irene Baqué following the resistance of organised women that defend the right to housing in Spain.


Recursive Violence

Public talk in Institute for Postnatural Studies. September 2024

La vida corpórea de los datos ︎︎︎

Text in Concreta n23: “La Composición Activa de la Presencia”. Concreta. June 2024

Patterns beyond AI: Open Source Methodologies and Tools for Investigation

Presentation in Palestine Digital Activism Forum organised by 7amleh. June 2024 

Digital Autonomia ︎︎︎

Book chapter in Militant Media. Centre for Research Architecture Books. Spector Books. April 2024

Utopías Digitales contra el Scroll-Down ︎︎︎

Podcast in Ciberlocutorio with Andrea Gumes and Anna Pacheco on the possibilities of contesting algorithms, and platforms. March 2024

Panel at Challenging the Visual︎︎︎

Presentation of ongoing work on patterns of attacks in Gaza, truth, documentation and evidence. March 2024

Arte y activismo digital ︎︎︎

Interview with Victor Balcells, author of Discotecas por fuera (Anagrama, 2022) on digital activism. April 2023

Multiple civilian deaths linked to 2016-17 British airstrikes against IS in Mosul ︎︎︎

The Guardian. Airwars and TheGuardian investigation finds deaths despite claims British weapons did not harm a single non-combatant. March 2023

Engines of Inequality ︎︎︎

Fabrik Zietung. Editor for issue 375. This issue brings together essays, fiction and visual contributions to explore invisible information infrastructures and the feedback loops of digitalisation that reproduce and amplify the unequal distribution of resources. January 2023

How ISIS militants Broke out of a US-funded jail ︎︎︎

VICENews. January 2023

Guest Lecturer at MA Interaction Design 

London College of Communication. January 2023

Guest Critic at Experimental Pedagogies Studio

Academy of Architecture and Design of Prague. Undergraduate architecture studio led by Eva Franch i Gilabert & Alžbeta Bruhová. May 2022

Escapar el Bucle ︎︎︎

Catarsi Magazin. December 2021
