
QGis for housing

Sindicat de Llogateres / Spain / January 2021
Lead Researcher

            The purpose of the project was to improve QGis skills by analysing the rent bubble in Barcelona and obtaining representations of its impact in the city. The project allowed to rethink the strategy of deployment of Barcelona’s Rent Union [Sindicat de Llogateres]. I developed a database crossing data from census, National Institute of Statistics in Spain (INE), land registry and the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. 

            A set of maps with QGis show:
  • The rent increase respect the shift in income between 2015-2018 by census section, to analyse not only the areas with highest tension of rent increase, but also the population most afflicted by the increase. This map allowed to choose which censal sections were most important to inform about Sindicat’s activity.

  • Concentration of property in census section. Using land registry information on vertical property (buildings owned by a single landlord/company) a map with the concentration of vertical blocks by censal section was made, allowing to choose which areas to inform about Sindicat’s activity.
